At FitByKam, bike fitting is centred on empowering you with confidence and clarity of how a proper connection between you and your bike improves your comfort, efficiency and overall cycling performance.


Detailed biomechanical assessments of your physical needs, flexibility, range of motion and any imbalances inform the process and ensure that your setup is tailored to you.

Video and motion analysis using Dartfish software and Leomo sensors provides insight into pedalling efficiency, joint motion, stability, upper body movement and other key areas, including real-time insights into how the adjustments impact and improve your form.


We’ll also go beyond the positioning, with guidance on your pedalling technique, component configuration and gearing, so that the entire setup is aligned to you and your specific cycling goals. These often overlooked aspects align with your positioning to play a key role in comfort and performance on the bike.


As a biomechanics specialist, an Ironman certified triathlon coach, and a certified cycling and running coach, expertise in these areas ensures a joined-up viewpoint for your needs. The session is grounded in a qualitative approach, which incorporates technology, but does not soley rely on it, as no single data point or angle can fully grasp the unique nuances of your needs and specific goals. Bike fitting sessions are bespoke, and are as informative as they are technical.

Knowledge and experience from coaching cyclists and multi-sport athletes across the spectrum of disciplines ensures your bike fit is specific to your goals. So whether you’re aiming for performance or leisure, experienced or a beginner, and if your cycling is part of wider multi-sport aims, this is a complete fitting experience to make the bike ‘yours’!


Mobile bike fitting. Professional bike fitting made easy for you with mobile sessions available. A perfect solution for Peloton, Wattbike, Kickr, Tacx and Stages bikes, and all other spin-bikes and indoor turbo trainer setups.

A wide area range is covered into London and surrounding counties - Hertfordshire, Essex, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Surrey and Kent. Read more about this option below.

Dynamic Bike Fit

Comfort, efficiency and injury prevention on all bikes for leisure, commuter, general club cyclists and sportive riders.

  • The Dynamic Bike Fit process lasts up to around 2 hours, and includes all the points below for an informative and holistic bike fitting experience.

    • Pre-fit information gathering to establish your fitting needs and goals.

    • Biomechanical assessments to establish range of motion, flexibility, balance, stance, alignment and other personal physical needs.

    • Dartfish and Leomo video and motion analysis is used to provide visual and statistical references and insights.

    • Laser sighting for correct alignment of position on the bike.

    • Measurement and analysis of angles and ranges for your personal biomechanics while cycling.

    • Assessment of the suitability of components for your flexibility and range of motion (crank length, stem length and angle, handlebars… et al…). The fitting jig at the studio can also be utilised to demonstrate how recommendations would feel.

    • Guidance on your component configuration and gearing, so that the entire setup is aligned to you and your specific cycling goals.

    • Cleat alignment and positioning on your shoes for comfortable and efficient pedalling and power transfer, including assessing the need for installing corrective cleat spacers if required.

    • Saddle height, tilt and fore/aft adjustments for correct balancing of rider weight and posture on the bike.

    • Handlebar and stem adjustments for hand position, reach and aerodynamics.

    • Advice and focus on pedalling dynamics and technique is included during the session to ensure a rounded and informative fitting experience.

    • Bike fit report with measurements, photos, advice and recommendations discussed and explained during the session.

    • Post-fit support as you settle into your new position.

    • 10% discount on future bike fits for other bikes (with an additional 5% for additional Dynamic Bike Fits on the same day).


    For bike fits with performance-specific positions - like triathlon and time trial bikes, road bikes with clip-on aero bars, road and track racers, and anyone cycling with performance or racing in mind and aiming to make gains with more demanding positions, then the Performance Bike Fit (detailed below) is the session to book for an optimisation process.

Performance Bike Fit

For riders with performance-specific positions - like triathlon and time trial bikes, road bikes with clip-on aero bars, road and track racers, and anyone cycling with performance or racing in mind.

    • The Performance Bike Fit is for all riders with a focus on performance or racing and aiming to achieve gains through more advanced positions, including those cycling for: triathlon or time trials, road, crit and track racing, cyclocross/gravel racing, hill-climb racing and esports like Zwift racing.

    • You don’t have to be aiming for the podium, or even ‘racing’ at all! Whatever the starting point, everyone can focus on improving their performance by aiming for more advanced positions.

    • The Performance Bike Fit includes everything in the Dynamic Bike Fit as well as optimisation for holding performance-specific positions. This is fully informed by knowledge and experience from coaching cyclists and multi-sport athletes across the spectrum of disciplines to ensure your performance optimisation takes into account the subtle nuances that are specific to different events and distances, as well as your personal starting points and goals.

    • The gains made from aerodynamic and performance-specific bike fits are coupled with the dynamic movement of your body, which accompanies the cycling motion, and directly impacts how you utilise your position and how your effort transfers to sustainable speed. Each discipline of cycling requires slightly different considerations. The connection of biomechanics and physics between you, your bike and your cycling aims work together and influence each other.

    • Motion sensors and analysis of your movement will maximise the efficiency gained from your bike fit to achieve the performance you’re aiming for.

    • Incorporates the Kickr fitting jig at the studio where needed to demonstrate how any recommended component alterations will improve your comfort. efficiency and performance specifically for your goals.

    • Around 3 hours in total length, with the option to split over two sessions. The process of optimising advanced and performance positions benefits from progression and extension. As these positions can be physically challenging, the two-session approach is ideal to refine and extend your position after some initial adaptation, as well as dial in any component changes which may be recommended to enhance efficiency and performance. The timing split of the sessions is flexible to suit the process that’s personal to your fitting needs. The fitting can also be conducted as one extended session if preferred and suitable for your needs.


    If you’re unsure on which bike fitting option is most suitable for you, get in touch with info about your bike, starting point and goals. We’ll chat through the options on our intro call and set up the best session for your needs.

Cycling/Multi-sport Progression Package

An inclusive package of a bike fit plus additional sessions to support your cycling and multi-sport progression.

  • The package includes:

    - Initial bike fit session.

    - Three bespoke 1-1 progression sessions at the studio, which are designed around your specific needs and development points.

    - Any of the included progression sessions can be used for a running analysis - perfect for multi-sport athletes.

    - Option to use any of the progression sessions as consultations for support with your goals also enables great flexibility with the package.

    • Once your bike fitting session has set you up for your starting points, you’ll be taking steps forwards along your continuing journey.

    • If you’re a beginner and just getting going, then your progress in the initial stages will likely move quickly on from your starting point. Your progression will be supported with these additional sessions focussing on improving technique and any further adjustments to your positioning as your confidence and ability grows to access further optimisation.

    • If you’re a cyclist returning from injury, then this is a highly recommended package. The 1-1 sessions can also include focus on strength & conditioning, with workouts that you can replicate as part of your training. As well as this, during the on-the-bike 1-1s, adjustments can be progressed as you’re comfortable doing more.

    • If you’re setting a path which is aiming for improved performance, then the sessions will focus on ensuring you maximise your efficiency and potential with coached sessions specific to you.

    • For those with triathlon or duathlon goals, the option to use any of the progression sessions for a running analysis makes a great package for supporting your multi-sport progression. Sessions can also incorporate brick runs too, and they’re designed around your needs and progress between sessions.

    • For anyone with indoor bikes, like Wattbike, Peloton, Kickr and Stages bikes, as well as those with a turbo trainer setups, the initial fitting session can be conducted mobile, and any of the 1-1 sessions can be delivered remotely via a video coaching session or consultation if preferred to visiting the studio. We can also look at options for arranging mobile progression sessions. We’ll work out the best arrangement on our intro call.


Progressions & Reviews

    • Bike fitting is a process and continuum, as is your cycling journey. As you progress with your flexibility, technique and fitness potential, you’ll move further along the line and be able to achieve even more enhancements to your positioning.

    • At your initial fitting session, all the available adjustments on your bike and shoes will be optimised to the point of the continuum you’re currently at. We’ll discuss the potential timeline for revisiting your positioning based on your biomechanical assessments, starting points and experience. We’ll also establish if replacements of any components on your bike would further enhance your comfort and efficiency.

    • At a progression session, we’ll make the adjustments needed to your bike fit to reflect your progress, and you’ll be coached on points to continue on the next stage of your cycling journey.

    • Progression sessions can be booked periodically to suit your needs, or we can book a sequence over a period of time to match your training schedule. The Cycling Progression Package detailed above is a good starting point for this.


New Bike Consultation, Sizing & Fitting

  • With a wide range of bikes available for differing and specific purposes, selecting the right one can be a challenging prospect.

    Additionally, variations in the configuration of wheels, components and gear ratios add to the confusion about what is best for your goals.

    A consultation process before committing to a purchase will ensure that you make an informed decision on a bike that will be fit for purpose and work for you to achieve your goals.

    • Consultation session to carry out physical assessments and discuss options of bikes and configuration based on your requirements.

    • Prior to the session research will be carried out based on information gathered around your specific goals and needs so that the consultation time is maximised with a biomechanics assessment and time on the jig to add further depth to the discussion and support the decision making.

    • Includes analysis drawn from an initial bike and component sizing session to further inform your decision making and provide additional insight into frame and component size selection. We’ll use the jig at the studio, which can replicate different bikes, geometries and sizes.

    • When your new bike arrives, we’ll arrange your bike fitting session to set up and refine your position. There is no substitute for having your bike fit dialled in on your actual bike. The bike fitting ensures you’re supported right through the process.

    • Get in touch to discuss the package further and we’ll set up the best arrangement for your needs.


Mobile Bike Fitting

Dynamic or Performance Bike Fitting at your location for any of your bikes, as well as Peloton, Wattbike, Kickr, Tacx and Stages bikes, and all other spin-bikes and indoor turbo trainer setups.

    • The popularity of indoor training bikes - like Peloton, Wattbike and Kickr Bike - is growing. A bike fit is just as important on these bikes as it is for outdoor bikes. Of course, transporting these bikes to a fitting appointment isn’t really possible, and even being fitted on one that’s not yours at a store or studio isn’t ideal as any variation in the saddle type or other components will affect the measurements. It’s far better to be set up on your own bike at your location.

    • The same fitting process, methods and principles from the bike fitting sessions detailed above are applied at mobile sessions - all the kit comes to you.

    • Have more than one bike? If (like many cyclists!) you do, then the mobile bike fitting option means you don’t need to transport your bikes and gear. Multiple bikes can be fitted at the same appointment, and a 15% discount is applied to additional Dynamic Bike Fits on the same day.

    • The coverage for mobile appointments is approximately around 60 mins of travel from the studio location (EN2 8JF).

    • Mobile booking prices are dependent on your location and time of travel, although where bookings include additional services - like progression sessions and packages, coached sessions and additional bike fits - a mobile fee could be partly or fully waved depending on the booking amount.

    • On our intro call, we’ll look at your location, chat through the options and establish the best package for your specific needs.

    Get in touch via the contact form and note your location post code to get us started. We’ll have a look at the estimated time of travel and confirm the package that best suits.

What bike fitting means at FitByKam…

  • An informed ownership and understanding of your bike fit is crucial to getting the most out of your cycling. Empowering you with the knowledge of your personal biomechanics, and how your bike is set up to suit you specifically, is an integral part of the bike fitting process at FitByKam.

    You’re both the passenger and the engine on a bike! The story and overall picture of how your movements dynamically affect your comfort and efficiency go hand in hand with where the contact points are set. The bike and the rider influence each other. The rider moves on the bike and the bike moves beneath the rider. The rider is also part of the gearing system! The chemistry between all these points must be considered to create a fit that enables you to get the value from the investment you’ve put into your bike and cycling.

    The right bike fit is all personal to you and your goals. It’s not something that can be solved to any degree of accuracy or confidence following calculators, algorithms and tutorials. Basing your bike fit off information like that alone will leave you unsure in your cycling position. You just won’t know if you could be getting more out of your riding even if you’re not experiencing any discomfort.

    To be confident about your bike fit requires a process that involves assessment of you, your bike and your goals to align everything together. This process continues to develop as you’re able to access more optimal cycling and training with the improvements made to your position and bike’s configuration.

    With a wide range of products and technology out there that all offer performance gains in some way, it can be confusing to know where to start and what will make the biggest difference.  Without doubt, the first thing you should do is have a bike fit before you start investing in ‘upgrades’ or replacement parts.  You’ll be amazed at the difference the process of assessing and correctly setting up your bike and position to your personal needs will have - and if replacement components are genuinely required then you’ll know exactly what you need and why they’ll make a difference.

    Having the engine - you! - set up correctly and delivering power efficiently with a good economy of movement, will ensure that any additional upgrades you make to your bike and gear are maximised - and it’s often the case that the bike fit will make the biggest improvement of all. If you’re a triathlete, then a bike fit will also make improvements to your run off the bike too, as you’ll be delivering your target power with far better efficiency and be fresher for the run leg of the event!

    After our bike fitting session, you’ll have greater confidence and understanding of your fit, and feel like the bike is truly ‘yours’!